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Microsoft Project 2010 Professional 1 PC


39,99 EUR   189,00 EUR
you save 79% / 149,01 EUR
19 % VAT incl.
Shipping time: 15-30 minutes*
Product no.: 101468
Manufacturer: Microsoft

Sofortdownload + Produktschlüssel

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Hilfe bei der Erstinstallation

Wir bieten Ihnen bei der Erstinstallation eine kostenlose Hilfe über TeamViewer an.

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Generally overhauled: MS Microsoft Project 2010 Professional
MS Microsoft Project 2010 Professional features a completely new, yet familiar user interface, so you will have little trouble getting used to the new structure. Focused on effectiveness and usability, there are additional color palettes and text effects as well as graphical menus that allow you to create and manage projects in a flexible and clear way.

Stay organized and stay on top of things
An improved timeline view makes it easier to keep track of individual phases of your project. The detailed display with preferred tools simplifies access to the complete planning. Results and interim status reports can be presented in a simple and clearly structured way to summarize the project planning. You can easily use other office applications in combination with MS Microsoft Project 2010 Professional if you want to copy and paste data or media from Word or Excel, for example.

Easily plan and manage different project tasks and phases
Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8 (32 & 64-bit)
Volume license: License key with data carrier and link to free download
License for 1 PC, unlimited time
Customer group: commercial
Language: German (multilingual)
Costs, employees and results at a glance
The integrated team planner enables a clear division and display of all employees, who can be assigned to individual tasks by drag & drop. With MS Microsoft Project 2010 Professional you can also plan and manage collaboration with individuals, other teams and companies. To help you complete a project cost-effectively, you also get a history of your expenses.

The license for optimized planning
You will receive your license for MS Microsoft Project 2010 Professional as well as information on how to download the software free of charge by e-mail. You can install the program on one device and use it for an unlimited time after entering the license key. The product key with proof of ownership will be sent to you by post or registered mail.

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