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Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard


249,99 EUR   999,00 EUR
you save 75% / 749,01 EUR
19 % VAT incl.
Shipping time: 15-30 minutes*
Product no.: 034855
Manufacturer: Microsoft

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Innovation through SQL Server 2017

With SQL Server 2017, you get real-time insights from your transactional and analytical data. With the new SQL Server version, you benefit from a secure, scalable database platform with integrated functions ranging from advanced analysis to powerful in-memory performance.


Industry leading OLTP 
Build business-critical online transaction processing (OLTP) apps with breakthrough scalability, in-memory performance, and high availability.

Least vulnerable database 
Protect data at rest and in transit with the new Always Encrypted. SQL Server has been the least vulnerable database in the NIST Vulnerabilities Database for six years.

Mobile end-to-end BI 
Turn data into actionable insights. Deliver insights to all online and offline devices at one-fifth the cost of other BI solutions.

Advanced database analysis 
Analyze operational data with R Services in real time and scalable directly in the SQL Server database without having to move the data for analysis.

Local and for the cloud 
You benefit from a uniform environment on the server and in Database-as-a-Service - regardless of whether your data is in your data center, your private cloud or in Microsoft Azure.

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